港式茶餐厅卡座Car Seat工厂直供尺寸定做直卡单卡双卡座送装一体服务 ...

2022-3-4 16:08| 发布者: 1oushunjj8| 查看: 636| 评论: 0|原作者: 欧顺酒店家具

摘要: 一说到卡座,小编作为广东人,港式茶餐厅里的“卡位”简直跟老朋友一样亲切,吃固然重要,但是吃东西时坐得舒适,也是非常重要的一环。茶餐厅里的“卡位”设计,初衷是为了在喧闹的环境里增加一些私密性,是为最抢手 ...


When it comes to card seats, as a Cantonese, the "card seats" in the Hong Kong-style tea restaurant are as kind as old friends. Eating is important, but it is also a very important part when eating comfortably.The "card position" design in the tea restaurant, the original intention is to add some privacy in the noisy environment, is for the most popular position, over time has also become a kind of feelings.

我们常常会在一些装修效果图上,或者朋友的家中看到卡座的设计;会觉得很新奇,很有格调,其实,实际上带来的效果收益远远超出你的预期。卡座一词源于英文——Car Seat,因为很像英国古代贵族马车上的座位,到了后来也运用在酒吧、咖啡馆等场所然而随着时代的发展,卡座运用到家居的情况越来越普遍,在家就能感受到那一份情怀。

We often see the design on some decoration effects, or friends' home; will feel very novel, very stylish, in fact, the effect benefits far beyond your expectations.The word card seat comes from the English ——Car Seat, because it is very much like the seat of the ancient British aristocratic carriage, and later also used in bars, cafes and other places.However, with the development of The Times, the situation of card used to home is more and more common, can feel that a feeling at home.


Block is generally fixed by the wall design, the rear need not reserve walking space, relative to the ordinary dining table and chair design, save a certain space.The bottom of card seat can be designed to install receive ark, can receive a few fragmentary items in the home in card ground ark place, receive space is increased, especially with wine ark, meal edge ark undertakes integration design, can make more rich administrative levels feeling and interest, receive space also gets bigger expansion.Or collocation condole ark, shelf makes mini display frame, can build a warm and beautiful repast environment.


If you think the calorie restaurant is just about dining, you're totally wrong.Block combined with decorative components, such as stairs, walls, ground and other parts, can create a more rich sense of hierarchy.Make the space full of change and fun.The uck design is not only the satisfaction of function, but also the continuation of beauty, the seat and wall overall design, enhance spatial continuity and aesthetic feeling!






