北欧布艺沙发客厅异形转角现代极简弧形沙发三人四人沙发客厅组合 ...

2022-3-25 17:27| 发布者: 1oushunjj8| 查看: 1131| 评论: 0|原作者: 佛山欧顺酒店家具

摘要: 大家都知道家具软装布置,是居家设计中相当重要的环节,尤其沙发更是整个空间的灵魂角色,拥有一张好的沙发,是能够大大提升我们的居家幸福感的。As we all know, furniture soft decoration is a very important li ...


As we all know, furniture soft decoration is a very important link in home design, especially the sofa is the soul role of the whole space. Having a good sofa can greatly enhance our home happiness.


Why is style one of the criteria for choosing a sofa?


Investigate the origin of each style deeply actually, can find the material of furniture, and style can be said to be closely related.


With Nordic wind, sofa chair foot can use solid white oak usually, besides color and color beautiful, because white oak grows in cold area, growth cycle is long, wood texture is exquisite, it is one of the representative wood of Nordic wind.



Sofa wants durable, good to sit, material material also is one of very important index.


So how to choose cloth art sofa?

小编并不太赞同按品牌来挑选布艺沙发。因为真正称得上款款都优秀的布艺沙发品牌并不多,几乎都是意大利那些老牌的奢侈品沙发品牌,比如 RUGIANOBAXTERMINOTTI等,可是这些沙发的价钱都高高在上,动辄几万甚至几十万。这种推荐对大部分人来说毫无意义。所以倒不如从生产的角度来讨论,什么样的布艺沙发算好沙发。

Xiaobian does not quite agree with the brand to choose the cloth art sofa.Because the real excellent cloth art sofa brands are not many, almost all the Italian old luxury sofa brands, such as RUGIANO, BAXTER, MINOTTI, etc., but the price of these sofas is high, often tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.This recommendation makes no sense for most people.So it is better to discuss from the Angle of production, what kind of cloth art sofa calculate good sofa.


The composition of cloth art sofa is about 5 parts, support feet, frame, support, filling, fabric.The characteristics of a good cloth art sofa are, strong frame and support, environmental protection rebound good filling, exquisite fabric.Should satisfy these conditions only, the cloth art sofa of any one brand can be called is good sofa.


Foshan Oushun Hotel furniture was established in the furniture capital-Lecong, the hotel furniture leading brand, based in south China, has a very wide range of customer groups, both from the appearance design and price are very good.Cloth art sofa is good on the whole, no matter be material, design respect, or color collocation respect and comfort respect are very good.






