快餐厅卡座家用小户型卡座软包飘窗客厅转角沙发工厂直供尺寸定做 ...

2022-3-30 18:13| 发布者: 1oushunjj8| 查看: 1140| 评论: 0|原作者: 佛山欧顺酒店家具

摘要: 提到卡座,大多数人都会条件反射的想到酒吧、咖啡店、甜品店,但是现在早已不是仅限于上述环境了,卡座渐渐深受小资文青追捧。无论处于多大的平方,卡座设计,不仅能有效解决户型问题,巧妙利用畸零角落,充分增加收 ...


When it comes to booth, most people will conditionally think of bars, coffee shops, dessert shops, but now is not limited to the above environment, booth is gradually deeply sought after by Xiaozi Wenqing.No matter be in how much square, card seat design, can solve door model problem effectively not only, clever use abnormal zero corner, increase receive space adequately, and on the vision, also be absolute visual feast to enjoy.


Nowadays, fast restaurant booth in the industry set off a customized trend, just because fast restaurant booth is more flexible, can be designed and produced according to customer needs and store crowd.Its contracted and practical style is general card seat sofa can not involve.Among them also have generally rely on the wall straight card seat sofa since placed to accommodate more people to have dinner.


The advantage of card seat is, not for fixed one or two chairs, many people can be more casual arrangement.A piece of furniture can solve the living needs of two Spaces.Porch shoe ark, meal side ark, card seat sofa chair, these cabinet body integration is customized, realize a variety of functions.In addition, rich cabinet body still can serve as display ark, bookcase, here still can become the space of rest, read.Not only apply to the leisure place such as bookstore, and still suit family study.






