家具市场竞争激烈,明确目标客户群体至关重要。通过市场调研,深入了解不同年龄层次、收入水平以及风格偏好的消费者需求。针对年轻消费者,可以推出时尚、简约且具有创意设计的家具系列,满足他们对个性化生活空间的追求。对于中年消费者,注重家具的实用性和品质,设计上偏向稳重、大气的风格。而高收入群体可能更青睐高端定制家具,满足他们对独特品味和高品质生活的要求。 The furniture market is highly competitive, and it is crucial to clearly define the target customer group. Through market research, deeply understand the needs of consumers of different age groups, income levels, and style preferences. For young consumers, a series of furniture with fashionable, simple, and creative designs can be launched to meet their pursuit of personalized living spaces. For middle-aged consumers, attention is paid to the practicality and quality of furniture, and the design tends to be stable and atmospheric. High-income groups may be more inclined to high-end custom furniture to meet their requirements for unique taste and high-quality life. |