意式亮光哑光岩板餐桌圆桌现代简约家用10人潘多拉奢石岩板餐桌椅 ...

2022-2-18 15:59| 发布者: 1oushunjj8| 查看: 685| 评论: 0|原作者: 欧顺酒店家具店

摘要: 岩板的纹理自然优美,抽象的墨感线条既有古典意境,又有现代艺术感,风格亦古亦今,能够融入不同风格的空间。它散发出轻奢质感,尤其受到高端客户的青睐。The texture of the rock plate is natural and beautiful. ...


The texture of the rock plate is natural and beautiful. The abstract ink sense lines have both classical artistic conception and modern artistic sense. The style is both ancient and modern, which can be integrated into the space of different styles.It exudes a light luxury texture, especially favored by high-end customers.


The big difference between rock plate tables and ordinary marble tables is their material.To tell the truth, you can not see the difference between rock plate and marble.But in the daily practical experience, the rock plate does prove its value.First of all, xiaobian is concerned about the radiation problem, the official gave the test report, the rock plate has no formaldehyde, no radiation, and no metal.The desktop can even have direct access to food, which is valuable for parents who don't like to waste.


先说台面,岩板的常见厚度规格有3mm6mm9mm11mm12mm15mm20mm,这些,其中3mm6mm太薄,在用作台面的时候通常需要附上一层玻璃,复合玻璃之后的成本可能往往还高于厚板的成本。商家这样做的原因是因为,薄板的花色相比厚板,种类更丰富,可以选的范围更大。9mm11mm 的规格一般是瓷砖才有。这两个规格是低端岩板产品的重灾区,你看到的所有千元左右的。基本都是这样的产品,是瓷砖生产线(非岩板生产线和工艺)和工艺生产出来的产品。当然也一样可以用,只是强度,耐用性,硬度,稳定性,抗渗透能力,表面工艺和真正的岩板产品是有非常大的区别的。

First, the common thickness specifications of the rock plate are 3mm, 6mm, 9mm, 11mm, 12mm, 15mm, 20mm, these, where 3mm and 6mm are too thin, usually need a layer of glass when used as a countertop, the cost of composite glass may often be higher than the cost of the thick plate.The reason why the businessman does this is because, the design and color of thin plate compared with thick plate, the variety is richer, can choose the range is bigger.The 9mm and 11mm specifications are generally ceramic tiles.These two specifications are the low-end rock products, you see all the thousand yuan.They are basically such products, is the ceramic tile production line (non-rock plate production line and process) and process produced products.Of course, it can also be used, but the strength, durability, hardness, stability, permeability resistance, the surface process and the real rock plate products have a very big difference.


Often encounter to buy the rock plate customers will ask the rock plate matte good or bright light good?In fact, there is no absolute good and bad, the choice of rock plate is mainly to see personal like.In China, many people will like the bright light, because many people in China like the bright effect.In foreign countries, more people are pursuing the original ecology, authenticity, so more people will choose dumb rock plate.






