轻奢酒店会所餐厅火锅包厢电动餐桌椅组合多功能内嵌电动转盘圆桌 ...

2022-3-12 16:06| 发布者: 1oushunjj8| 查看: 667| 评论: 0|原作者: 欧顺工匠酒店家具

摘要: 电动餐桌其实也就是在餐桌原本的基础上,安装了一个电动转盘,通过对转盘进行手动设置,方便我们夹菜,提升用餐体验。但电动餐桌按照功能也可细分为匀速和变速两大类,餐桌大多数带有遥控器,方便用户进行操作控制。 ...


In fact, the electric table is installed on the basis of the original table, installed an electric turntable, through the manual setting of the turntable, convenient for us to pick dishes, improve the dining experience.But the electric table can also be divided into uniform speed and variable speed according to the function, most of the table with remote control, convenient for users to operate and control.Most suitable for high-end hotel space, mostly made of solid wood, multi-layer board and other materials, the turntable material is mainly made of glass or solid wood.Is in recent years, the more popular table products, welcomed by the market.


Electric table can run at a uniform speed throughout the whole process, in fact, and most young people's favorite "rotary sushi" is about the same, so it has also attracted the eyes of many young people.Of course, for the elderly and children, this table makes them eat more convenient and natural.


The core material of the electric table is mostly solid wood and steel, if the solid wood table core is directly made of support, above the motor and gear parts, it can be used.If it is a support of the steel table core, generally the electric turntable is installed directly on it, and the electric opportunity is remote controlled, so that the user can operate remotely.


General quality electric table is more stable, weighing is relatively large, so it is relatively safe, and the turntable will not easily derail, can ensure the safety in the process of use.


Foshan Lecong Ou shun Craftsman Hotel furniture, consultation hotline: 13923227483 Miss Huang, the main production of electric table, hotel table, hot pot electric dining table, automatic table and other products. Ou shun has a group of excellent talents and good management, with core technology, and its products are sold to high-end hotels nationwide and around the world.






